Update from Dr. Kelvin Sharp

Update from Dr. Kelvin Sharp

By Dr. Kelvin Sharp


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

All of us at New Mexico Junior College hope that you and your family are safe during this unusual and difficult time in our lives. 

In my 36 years working in higher education, I have never experienced such sweeping challenges to campus life, as we redirect efforts in how we teach, and how we keep our students, faculty, and staff as safe as possible.  Our team has worked hard these past few months, to implement new safety protocols for life at New Mexico Junior College.

To guide our decisions and actions over the coming months, we identified three benchmarks as we prepare to welcome students in the Fall:

Responsibility to Students and Staff – we will provide a safe environment on campus, along with an excellent education, to give students the knowledge and skills they need for their career.  世界十大博彩公司网站 will remain an affordable college, providing financial aid and payment plans to help students now and later.

Respect Each Other – we understand the fear people have right now, and we encourage everyone to respect each person’s space and feelings.

Resolve to Overcome These Hard Times – please wear your face mask on campus, social distance, and practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently.

As we return to campus in the Fall, we want to assure you of our responsibility to keep students safe. We have reconfigured classrooms for in-person courses this Fall, to provide physical distancing between students. Every person is required to wear a mask when inside a building. Hand-sanitizers have been installed throughout every building, and each classroom will be cleaned and sanitized daily.

Our team of Academic Advisors are available each weekday by phone, email, or Zoom to help students register for classes, answer questions, fill out financial aid forms, and more. If you prefer an in-person meeting, just make an appointment in advance. We are here to help in every way we can.  Call 575-492-2577 or email: asknmjc@hbdl.net.

Many of you have asked about athletics. Guidelines are changing often. At this time, the NJCAA has mandated that all contact sports will be moved to the spring. Our cross-country and rodeo teams will be able to compete in the Fall, depending on the New Mexico Governor’s executive orders. Please check our website and Facebook pages for updated information.

Always know – our priority is safety and success for our students and staff. Will campus life be different? Yes. But we can gain control of our futures. We can be prepared as educated, skilled leaders in our communities.

Please stay safe. Feel free to contact me or any member of the 世界十大博彩公司网站 team if you have questions. And check our website for updates: hbdl.net

Thank you,

Dr. Kelvin Sharp
New Mexico Junior College